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Some restaurant owners visiting this website for information about cooking oils may also be looking for new fryers. A new fryer may be more efficient and economical and improve profits generated by frying operations.
E/C |
10 |
FFA7110 counter top 110v |
E/C |
10 |
FFA8110 counter top 220v |
E/C |
20 |
FFA7020 double counter top 110v |
E/C |
20 |
FFA8020 double counter top 220v |
E/C |
15 |
FFA8015 counter top high speed 220v |
E/C |
15 |
FFA8115 counter top 220v |
E/C |
30 |
FFA8130 double counter top 220v |
E/F |
40 |
EFP-40 |
E/F |
40 |
EFS-40 |
E/F |
65 |
EFP-65 |
E/F |
65 |
EFS-65 |
G/F |
40 |
G/F |
40 |
FMP-40 |
G/F |
40 |
FMS-40 |
G/F |
40 |
FMP-403-HP |
G/F |
40 |
FMS-403-HP |
G/F |
65 |
FMP-65 |
G/F |
65 |
FMS-65 |
E/C |
15 |
EL-120 |
E/C |
15 |
EL-170+ |
E/C |
15 |
EL-250 |
E/C |
15 |
EL-270+ |
E/C |
20 |
EL-310+ |
E/C |
30 |
ELT-500 |
G/C |
10 |
GF-10 |
G/C |
16 |
GF-16 |
G/C |
28 |
GF-16 |
G/C |
28 |
GF-28 |
G/C |
35 |
SGC Solstice Gas 80 KBtu/hr |
G/F |
40-50 |
SG14 Solstice Gas 110 KBtu/Hr |
G/F |
20-25 SIDE |
SG14T Solstice Gas 50 KBtu/Hr |
G/F |
40-50 |
SG14R Solstice Gas 122 Kbtu/Hr |
G/F |
70-90 |
SG18 Solstice Gas 140 KBtu/Hr |
G/F |
40-50 |
SSH55 Supreme High Efficiency 80 KBtu/Hr Energy Star Kl |
G/F |
20-25 SIDE |
SSH55T Supreme High Efficiency 40 KBtu/Hr/side Kl Award |
G/F |
75 |
SSH75 Supreme High Efficiency 105 KBtu/Hr Kl Award |
E/F |
40-50 |
SE14X Solstice Electric 14 Kw/hr EnergyStar |
E/F |
40-50 |
SE14 Solstice Electric 17 Kw/hr Energy Star |
E/F |
40-50 |
SE14R Solstice Electric 22 Kw/hr EnergyStar |
E/F |
20-25 SIDE |
SE14TX Solstice Electric 7 Kw/hr/side |
E/F |
20-25 SIDE |
SE14T Solstice Electric 8.5 Kw/hr/side |
E/F |
20-25 SIDE |
SE14TR Solstice Electric 11Kw/hr/side |
E/F |
70-90 |
SE18 Solstice Electric 17Kw/Hr |
E/F |
70-90 |
SE18R Solstice Electric 22Kw/Hr |
G/F |
100-110 |
SGM1824 MegaFry 120 KBtu/Hr 18 x 24 Fry Area |
G/F |
140-150 |
SGM24 MegaFry 165 KBtu/Hr 24 x 24 Fry Area |
G/F |
200-210 |
SGM34 MegaFry 210 KBtu/Hr 34 x 24 Fry Area |
G/F |
42-65 |
FBG18 Flat Bottom 100 KBtu/hr |
G/F |
57-87 |
FBG24 Flat Bottom 120 KBtu/hr |